AED 2 500
per person
1-2 guests
Number of guests
3 hours
Enhanced treatment duration
1 therapist per guest
Personal guidance
Private Banya Zone
Facility used
Now includes
Unlimited drinks from menu
Hay mattress treatment
Sparkling shower
20-minute massage
Relaxation Area
Steam Room
Wet Zone
during the soul program
Soul is a signature DUBANYA ritual tailored to your individual preferences. During the treatment the guest is curated by their own personal banya therapist, which allows to adapt every detail to their needs (intensity of the steam, humidity levels, herbs used, sounds, lighting and much more).
The experience includes several steam sessions in the steam room with the venik treatment massage, with dips into the warm and cold plunge pools in between, finished by body scrub and exfoliation with a lyko bast. In between the steam sessions the guest will be offered refreshments, herbal teas, small bites, as well as a set of traditional Russian snacks.
20-minute massage is from now always part of the private ritual

stages of the ritual
Enrich your Banya experience with DUBANYA’s tailor-made additional services